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IP management

IP management

With no strategic vision, intellectual property is first and foremost a source of expenditure, which can be frustrating. The objective of this service is to implement a strategy which helps optimise the budget dedicated to IP and build a coherent approach, shared by everyone in the company.



IP management consulting devises an intellectual property strategy over the mid- to long-term and generally includes:

  • An audit and interview phase to learn about the company, its objectives, its competitive environment and the current situation of its intellectual property portfolio and existing procedures;
  • A phase defining its directions, drawing up a summary document with a company representative which will normally be submitted for validation by the company’s board of directors.
  • Writing a white paper for IP and innovation, including
  • A message from the company chairman, defining major strategic choices

A tactical guide presenting the key themes (preserving know-how; policy about designer-inventor employees; legal organisation of partnerships; coordination between the marketing and legal departments for trademarks; dynamic management of the patent and trademark portfolio and estimated budget; patent and trademark intelligence; surveillance of the competition and management of IP disputes, etc.)

Practical information sheets and in-house documents (declaration of employee invention, confidentiality agreement, check-list of verifications before launching a process, etc.)



Mission for an ICT start-up which successfully negotiated the different stages of raising capital and industrial alliances thanks to the relevance of its patent policy.

Mission for a multinational industrial engineering group, to structure a disparate and unsuitable industrial policy in line with the challenges of globalisation and changing relations with customers.

Mission for an automotive supplier within a complicated context of relationships with often problematic constructors.

Assisting evaluation structures in the organisation of a protection and evaluation policy for research results, with decision-making tools and methodological guides for account managers.

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