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International protection

International protection

International invention protection requires a mid-term strategy. Changes in critical areas where future markets or competitors will develop must be anticipated a long way in advance.

The financial impact of these choices will last several years. Generally, the international protection budget represents the highest expenditure in intellectual property.

We assist our customers with the definition of an international protection strategy to optimise the financial resources dedicated to international protection.


We have organised a network of trustworthy correspondents, selected for their expertise in one or several technical areas, their flexibility and their price.
We decided to apply complete transparency in the re-invoicing of correspondent costs, renouncing the regular practice of adding our own charge to the correspondent’s.


In the most sensitive countries like the United States, Japan and China, we have built communities with privileged correspondents to keep ourselves mutually informed of legislature changes and major jurisprudence decisions and also changing trends in IP office practices.

For difficult or sensitive dossiers, we can arrange a meeting between the examiner, the local correspondent and the inventor when possible, as this approach helps move on difficult cases at a lower cost.

The use of a network of correspondents sharing one information system helps considerably improve relations: ability to anticipate budgets in real-time, simplification of information flows, improved efficiency and responsiveness.

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